Rejuvenate your Mind
through Online Meditation Classes
in just half an hour
Benefits of our Sessions
- Improved focus & concentration
- Calmness of Mind
- Clarity of Mind
- Better sleep
- Mindfulness
- Reduction in stress levels
- Better energy
Details of the Sessions
Monday to Friday
Class 1: 5:45 am to 6:15 am
Class 2: 8:15 am to 8:45 am
Rs. 500 per month
What you get with Divya Dhyan Sessions
Community Access
You get access to our Facebook Community where you will be able to ask questions with other members and watch their progress
Community Group
You get access to our Community WhatsApp Group where you will get more information about a happy & a balanced life
You will be recognized in our community when you achieve desired results in your life through our 21 days' challenge
Free consultation
Get one consultation free of cost with your registration where you can get a clarity of life in terms of your relationships, work, stress and many other areas
What do we do in the classes?
- Chakra Cleansing Meditation with sounds and visualizations
- Meditation for Body healing and Immunity
- Meditation and Breathing techniques for sound sleep
- Mindfulness techniques for overthinking and stress
- Meditation for focus and concentration
- Interactive sessions with co-participants
- Special Activity Sessions for Problem Solving
For whom are these classes for?
- Working people struggling with anxiety of multiple roles in life
- Housewives struggling with self confidence and self esteem
- People suffering with sleep issues like insomnia
- People who overthink and overanalyze about situations in their lives
- People who feel irritation and sadness most of the time
- People facing stress induced health issues like diabetes, pcos, etc.
- People struggling to manage issues like pains and fibromyalgia
- Working women trying to find balance between personal and work life
See what people are saying

About Me

Hello, I am Divya Jain, a Mind Fitness Coach.
- Successful survivor of multiple issues like poor relationships, poor financial status, and poor health with issues like low energy, fatigue, PCOS, Depression, Fibromyalgia, and emotional outbursts.
- Certified in – Dietetics and nutrition from NHCA, Singapore
- Certified Yoga teacher from Bhakti Yogshala, Rishikesh
- Certified in Positive Psychiatry from University of Sydney
- Certified NLP Practitioner
- Published books on Amazon
- Awarded as Rising India Young Entrepreneur 2023
Frequently Asked Questions
The sessions will happen on zoom. You will receive a long link in blue colour on your email id. Please click that link and it will take you to zoom app. Now turn on the sound from the mic button on the bottom left side of your screen. Switch on your video and hurray! you are in the meeting. Make sure you have zoom app installed on your phone. You can always message us in the group for any assistance.
Find a quiet corner in your home for your meditation class. You can always use earphones for avoiding outside noises entering in your ears.
You have your WhatsApp group where you will receive constant motivation to do your meditation practice. Also you will get access to a Facebook group where you can ask any questions regarding your classes, practice and growth.
Your privacy is very important to us. We don’t post the photos and videos of our students online without hiding their faces.
Our sessions are very short sessions in which your eyes will be closed. Closing your eyes for this short period will relax your eyes and body, which otherwise does not happen in your routine.
I have been trained and experienced in online yoga and meditation classes. You can always check the reviews above or you can visit my google page to see the quality and effectiveness of my classes.
I suggest you should sit near your router area or have a strong Wi-Fi connection to avoid any disruption in your classes. If your connection is weak, please switch off your video while meditating.